Midderzines Kickstarter ENDS in just a few days! Over 400% Funded!
over 3 years ago
– Thu, May 27, 2021 at 03:30:21 PM
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Midderzines Kickstarter ENDS in just a few days! Over 400% Funded! Zines for Old School Games. Compatible with The Midderlands setting. Also, a great opportunity to pick up all the back issue zines too!
Check out the Kickstarter page here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/monkeyblooddesign/midderzine-issues-6-and-7-zines-for-old-school-games?ref=4nbu8l
The Midderzines are an old-school, zine format gaming supplement intended for use with, but not exclusively for, The Midderlands setting. The rules content is written for Swords & Wizardry Complete and therefore can be used in all retro-clones and old school role-playing games with little or no work.
The two new zines contain:
- Meet The Midderlander interviews
- More juicy rumours from The Haven Gazette.
- Gloomium - the lowdown.
- Currency thoughts.
- Slightly Less Sh*t Lesser Rings, and Scrolls
- The Lost Wyrld: The world of The Midderlands setting.
- Races of the Lost World: A focus on the main S&W races with a Midderlands twist.
- Treasure of the Lost Wyrld.
- Drakekin - the OSR Dragonborn.
- Three Drakekin NPCs.
- New Oddities for Drakekin.
- Upper Wychbray: A riverside settlement on the edges of Linkern Wolds.
Also, all physical backers will receive this lovely A2 (folded to A5) poster map if we hit the £6,000 GBP Stretch Goal!
Check out the Kickstarter page here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/monkeyblooddesign/midderzine-issues-6-and-7-zines-for-old-school-games?ref=4nbu8l
Many thanks,
Glynn over at MonkeyBlood Design & Publishing
The Bats of Saint Abbans has just launched on Kickstarter!
about 4 years ago
– Fri, Nov 20, 2020 at 04:03:28 PM
A vertigo-inducing adventure inside a crumbling cathedral. For all OSR games.
Check out the Kickstarter page here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/monkeyblooddesign/the-bats-of-saint-abbans-an-osr-adventure?ref=13ze7r
The Bats of Saint Abbans is an old-school adventure written by Richard Marpole and intended for The Midderlands setting suitable for Levels 1 to 3. The adventure is written for Swords & Wizardry and therefore can be used in all retro-clones and old school role-playing games with little or no work. The book may contain occasional swear words and mature themes.
The once-respected Abbey-Cathedral of Saint Abbans has stood at the top of Wellholy Hill for centuries.
Revenue is scarce and the abbey is falling into disrepair. To make matters worse, church bats have now infested the upper reaches of the building. They are causing a dangerous nuisance and further damaging the precarious structure.
Abbess Jessamine is looking for brave souls without fear of heights to ascend the cavernous cathedral and bring the problem under control.
Maybe, just maybe, that’s you?
The adventure contains:
- Details about the town of Saint Abbans, some of its useful NPCs, the Abbess and the monks that reside at the abbey-cathedral.
- A random generator for creating additional abbey monks.
- Adventure Flow and NPC Relationship charts.
- Details of the abbey locations.
- 4x Handouts, 15x pages worth of maps.
- Appendices of Ecclesiastical Time and all the encounters that could happen during those times.
- New class, spells, and items. 8 New creatures, including a Church Bat Generator.
- NPC and Creature quick reference tables, NPC Gallery.
- Books 1 to 3 are fully indexed. Play Notes.
We have exciting stretch goals for Special Edition Print backers that will add superb value to your pledge!
Check out the Kickstarter page here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/monkeyblooddesign/the-bats-of-saint-abbans-an-osr-adventure?ref=13ze7r
Many thanks, Glynn and Richard
Chewer of Fingers is over 200% funded and only 7 days left to go.
over 4 years ago
– Sat, Aug 15, 2020 at 04:37:23 PM
Our latest Kickstarter is now over 200% funded, and ends Saturday next week. Don't miss it. We are first stretch goal down and on to the second!
Check out the Kickstarter page here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/monkeyblooddesign/chewer-of-fingers?ref=izst6s
Chewer of Fingers is a grim, old-school introductory adventure intended for The Midderlands setting. The adventure is written for Swords & Wizardry and therefore can be used in all retro-clones and old school role-playing games with little or no work.
The encounters in the adventure take place in and around the small hamlet of Fetterstone—a depressing place on the edge of a stinking marsh near the border between the Western Midderlands and Staffershire.
The PCs are heading to Fetterstone because there is a 20-gold quid reward for the capture of an escaped criminal called ‘The Finger Chewer'. He absconded from Middlemoor Gaol five days ago and is believed to be hiding out in the surrounding oft-foggy marsh. The marsh is notoriously dangerous and even the lure of 20 gold quids isn’t enough to entice the locals into its fetid clutches.
- The adventure is in a handy A5-sized format.
- The adventure features 4 encounter areas.
- Four pre-generated adventurers.
- Six beautiful hand-drawn and scanned maps.
- The adventure is littered with extra details (game-juice) and adventure hooks that make this suitable for additional future adventures. Any Game Master could take the information contained and use it for their own campaigns.
Check out the Kickstarter page here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/monkeyblooddesign/chewer-of-fingers?ref=izst6s
Many thanks,
Glynn over at MonkeyBlood Design & Publishing
Folk Magic of the Haven Isles is LIVE on Kickstarter!
over 4 years ago
– Fri, Jun 05, 2020 at 11:38:35 PM
Hi Everyone!
We have just launched Folk Magic of the Haven Isles over on Kickstarter!
Checkout the campaign page here:
What is it?
It's an inspiration book for fantasy role-playing game magicians based on British folklore. It is 100% The Midderlands-compatible, and written for old school rules fantasy rules, specifically Swords & Wizardry.
There are PDF, softcover and signed hardcover pledge options, and we are fulfilling worldwide.
Do you need The Midderlands or Swords & Wizardry to use it?
Not at all. It's a great book for inspiration to play and run your magicians. If you know what HD and Saving Throws are then you can get something out of this book. There is also a glossary of any Midderlands-specific terms, so you can change anything to suit your own campaign/setting.
Here are some pictures...
We hope you enjoy looking at the project and we would welcome your pledge and support.
Many thanks, and we are looking forward to seeing you onboard,
Glynn & Richard
HandyMaps Buildings & Structures – Kickstarter Ends This Saturday
about 5 years ago
– Tue, Dec 17, 2019 at 05:58:56 PM
Hello Everyone,
We hope you are all doing well!
The roaringly successful HandyMaps Buildings & Structures Kickstarter ends This Saturday.
Over 750% funded, funded in 3 hours, and two of four stretch goals unlocked, with the third in easy reach. Don’t miss out on these really useful cards.
Please feel free to check it out here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/monkeyblooddesign/handymaps-buildings-and-structures-a5-card-handouts-for-rpgs?ref=aoipyq
The project is creating a set of twenty-two (22), double-sided A5 cards showing illustrative elevations and floorplan layouts for buildings/structures. The map cards can be used as player handouts or tools for game planning by Game Masters.
Stretch goal unlocks currently have the set increased to 24 cards.
Pledge with confidence today!
Many thanks, Glynn & Matt